There are few joys in life that compare to the companionship of a dog. They give us love, loyalty, protection and teach us wonderful lessons on life & how to enjoy it to the fullest. But that relationship can be frustrated when your dog won’t listen to you! I have been “helping dogs with their people” for over 14 years. I love to help dogs and people connect and have a good, trusting relationship.
Head Start Puppy Class - $55.00
This is for young puppies about 8 to 14 weeks old. Prevent problems before they start. Here you will learn how to socialize your pup, understand the stages of development, learn basic good manners & get help with house training, toenail clipping and teeth cleaning. Bring the whole family. The five week class is a dog-gone good deal at $55.00
Basic Obedience Class - $99.00
This is a small group class for dogs five months and older (when they have a longer attention span). There is no age limit! Here you will learn how to communicate better with your dog and teach the basics of mutual respect with sit, down, stay, walk on a leash, come and leave it. Practical solutions for common problems such as jumping up, dashing out the door, not coming when called, destructive chewing, begging and more will be covered. The eight week class is $99.00
Private Lessons
If you prefer one-on-one instruction or want to work on a behavioral problem this is the way to go. We can work out a custom plan and you can take as many lessons as you need. This can also be good for dogs that just don’t do well in a group class. Daytime and evening appointments are available.
First hour lesson and consultation is $30.00
Follow-up lessons are $10.00 per quarter hour
AKC Canine Good Citizen & S.T.A.R. puppy programs
and testing - Call for more information.
Canine Confidence Course (new 2012)
A newly designed obstacle course set up for you to have fun with your dog while building a better bond. It’s a purely positive experience that is especially good for dogs that are shy or fearful as it builds self-confidence. Obstacles include the A-frame, tunnels, dogwalk and various jumps as well as a sway bridge, buja board, slide, maze, teeter board and more. Offered in the Spring & Fall during the good outdoor weather seasons.
What does the title CPDT-KA mean?
CPDT-KA stands for Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed. A trainer has to first send their qualifications in to the CCPDT showing that they have a minimum of 300 hours experience in dog handling & training over the last five years and submit three sealed references – one each from a veterinarian, client and colleague in the dog training profession. Then they are to take a computerized test through the Professional Testing Corporation at an approved testing station where they are monitored. It is a four hour test of 250 questions covering instruction skills, animal husbandry, ethology, learning theory, equipment, business practices and ethics.
Diane passed on the first try with close to a 90% score and is now listed with the CCPDT with nearly 2000 certificants worldwide. Until the creation of the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers in 2001, there was no true certification process for canine professionals. Many schools teach dog trainers and offer certifications for their specific programs. These certificates, therefore, reflect the teachings and quality of a specific school. Other organizations offer take-home tests for “certification”. These canine professionals are not monitored to ensure they are completing the test without assistance or collaboration nor is the testing process standardized.
This unprecedented process was originally implemented by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), the largest association of dog trainers in the world, founded by noted veterinarian, behaviorist and author Dr. Ian Dunbar. A task force of approximately 20 internationally known dog training professionals and behaviorists worked for three years to research and develop the first comprehensive examination. Professional Testing Corporation (PTC) was hired to ensure the process met professional standards.
APDT then created a separate, independent council – The Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers – to manage the accreditation and pursue future development. Candidates who pass the exam earn the CPDT-KA title and may use that designation after their names. All certified trainers must earn continuing education credits to maintain their designations or take the exam again in three years.